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Are there positive controls for the MycoAlert® Assay?

The MycoAlert® Assay Control Set (LT07-518) is available separately and includes a lyophilized positive control (1 ml) and assay buffer (2 ml) for reconstitution. The assay buffer also serves as a negative control. The positive and negative controls...

Does the MycoAlert® Assay recognize the whole spectrum of mycoplasma?

The mycoplasma specific metabolism detected by the MycoAlert® Assay is present in all members of the mollicute family (Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Entomoplasma and Spiroplasma) except Ureaplasma (which are no usual suspects in cell culture). 95% of all...

Do bacteria lead to false positive MycoAlert® Results?

NO - the lysis reagent in the MycoAlert® Assay is not strong enough to lyse bacteria / yeast. Also, the enzymes utilized are not very common in bacteria or yeast – but are universal among the mollicute family. Bacterial contamination is...

In my Nucleofection Experiment I see lower expression with my IRES construct in comparison with you pmax-GFP control. Do you have any information about the different expression profiles?

The original attenuation of the IRES sequence was performed to allow for a greater difference between the expression levels of the upstream gene of interest and the downstream reporter gene. If the downstream reporter gene, the product of less than...

I want to stimulate human primary T-cells with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28. Do you have a detailed protocol for this?

Yes, the detailed protocol is part of our 4D-Nucleofector® Protocol for stimulated Human T Cells.For optimal stimulation of the transfected cells we recommend coating 96-wells plates for stimulation [Nunc Immuno™ Plate C96 Maxi Sorp™, Cat. No. 430...

Can mycoplasma grow in the absence of cells?

There is evidence to suggest that mycoplasma can survive in the absence of cells, some may even proliferate, but as a rule they are much more viable if cells are present. 

What are the best time points for analysis of my siRNA experiments?

As the stability and half-life of various mRNAs and their protein products varies, it is important to empirically determine the best time points for assessing target knockdown. For example, it has been documented that in mammalian cells, mRNA...

Is it possible to store reconstituted MycoAlert®/MycoAlert® PLUS Reagent and Substrate?

For optimal assay conditions, reconstituted reagent and substrate should be used fresh within 2 hours after reconstitution.During this time they can be kept at room temperature.For the MycoAlert® Kit: Unused, reconstituted components can be aliquoted...

Can I co-transfect oligonucleotides and plasmids with the Nucleofector® Technology?

Yes. As the same protocol applies for any nucleic acid substrate (vectors or oligonucleotides) you can easily perform co-transfections either for transfection control or rescue experiments.

How much sample do you need for accurate results with MycoAlert® Assay? Do you need cells or just supernatant?

The standard protocol calls for taking 2 ml of culture media, spinning down any cells and removing 100 µl of supernatant as sample.Smaller initial aliquots of media may be taken to start with if necessary.