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858 results sorted by

Endothelial, MV lung, human (HMVEC-L)

Endothelial cells line the inside surface of blood vessels, heart, lymphatic vessels, body cavities and other organs, of normal human tissue.Small vessel endothelial cells are isolated from lung microvascular tissue.

Neuron, hippocampal, mouse

Nerve cells isolated from mouse hippocampus.

Cardiomyocyte (R-CM), rat

Neonatal heart muscle cells

Endothelial, umbilical vein, human (HUVEC)

Large vessel endothelial cells are isolated from the umbilical  vein.

Natural killer Cells (NK), human

Specialized periphal blood lymphocytes that recognize and destroy foreign cells or infected host cells in a nonspecific manner.Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes of the immune system that are critical in host defense and immune regulation....

Epithelial, bronchial (NHBE), human

Human bronchial/tracheal epithelial cells isolated from the epithelial cells that line the airway above the bifurcation of the lungs.


B lymphocyte; plasmacytoma; myeloma


human tumor cell line derived from a primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma


mast cell; derived from mastocytoma

Epithelial, prostate (PrEC), human

Primary epithelial cells isolated from human prostate.Prostate cells provide a glandular function in the body by generating fluid which serves several functions inreproduction.