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66 results sorted by

Can I get a Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS) for my Lonza endotoxin detection Bacterial Endotoxin Testing (BET) kit, LAL or PyroGene Recombinant Factor C (rFC), and/or my accessory products?

All of our endotoxin detection products have been evaluated and deemed non-hazardous in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200, the Hazard Communication Standard, based on the percentage quantities of its constituents. Therefore, none of our endotoxin...

When running a Lonza Bacterial Endotoxin Test (BET), LAL or PyroGene Recombinant Factor C (rFC), endotoxin detection assay why should I use glass accesory products instead of plastic?

Endotoxin adheres to plastic surfaces more strongly than to glass surfaces. Therefore, we recommend that you use only borosilicate glass dilution tubes when preparing your Control Standard Endotoxin (CSE) dilutions. In some cases, certain plastics...

When running a Lonza Bacterial Endotoxin Test (BET), LAL or PyroGene Recombinant Factor C (rFC), endotoxin detection kit why is it important to vortex my control standard endotoxin (CSE) dilutions?

Endotoxin will adhere to glass surfaces, but this can be counteracted with proper vortexing to ensure that the solution you aliquot into your reaction tubes or microplate has the proper EU/ml concentration. As our package inserts state, the CSE vial...

When performing a Lonza Bacterial Endotoxin Test (BET), LAL or PyroGene Recombinant Factor C (rFC), endotoxin detection assay how do I convert from EU/ml (Endotoxin Unit) to ng/ml?

Depending on the source of the endotoxin, the conversion from endotoxin units to nanograms will vary. The FDA initially defined the Endotoxin Unit (EU) as the endotoxin activity of 0.2 ng of Reference Endotoxin Standard, EC-2 or 5 EU/ng. To convert...

Where can I view a list of upcoming Lonza webinars? How can I access archived Lonza webinars?

To see our upcoming webinars go to Free Webinars | Lonza . This page also contains a link for viewing archived webinars. To receive upfront information on upcoming Webinars of Lonza Bioscience, just subscribe at Lonza...

How does PyroTec Pro liquid level detection work if different sample containers are used (conductive or pressure based)?

Conductive liquid detection is used by the PyroTec PRO™ System. The system currently supports sample handling in 13 x 100 mm tubes. An option to allow use of additional 5 ml tubes with caps is planned for a future release.

PyroTec Pro: Can you run different samples (different treatment, dilution etc.) on one plate?

The system can accommodate a variety of samples on one plate with different dilutions applied to each sample. The system will apply whatever dilutions are assigned to each sample on the WinKQCL™ Software-generated endotoxin template. Each...

PyroTec Pro: Am I limited in the amount and type of sample dilutions?

The user is limited only by the 48 spaces available for sample tubes and 80 spaces for sample dilutions on the deck layout. The user can create a multitude of sample dilutions with different sample types, utilizing LAL reagent water in addition to...

PyroTec Pro: How many plates can be processed with the instrument?

The system can accommodate up to two independent microplates on a single run of the instrument.

PyroTec Pro: What are the limiting factors (reagents, consumables etc.)?

The limiting factor is deck space on the instrument. Currently the instrument has enough space to accommodate the labware required for two assays, including the ability to run two different types. It is possible to combine any of the available...