Human macrophage SCN5A activates an innate immune signaling pathway for antiviral host defense.

Jones A, Kainz D, Khan F, Lee C, Carrithers MD
Source: J Biol Chem
Publication Date: (2014)
Issue: 289(51): 35326-40
Cells used in publication:
Monocyte, human
Species: human
Tissue Origin: blood
Macrophage, human
Species: human
Tissue Origin: blood
Macrophage, mouse
Species: mouse
Tissue Origin: bone marrow


Pattern recognition receptors contain a binding domain for pathogen-associated molecular patterns coupled to a signaling domain that regulates transcription of host immune response genes. Here, a novel mechanism that links pathogen recognition to channel activation and downstream signaling is proposed. We demonstrate that an intracellular sodium channel variant, human macrophage SCN5A, initiates signaling and transcription through a calcium-dependent isoform of adenylate cyclase, ADCY8, and the transcription factor, ATF2. Pharmacological stimulation with a channel agonist or treatment with cytoplasmic poly(I:C), a mimic of viral dsRNA, activates this pathway to regulate expression of SP100-related genes and interferon ß. Electrophysiological analysis reveals that the SCN5A variant mediates nonselective outward currents and a small, but detectable, inward current. Intracellular poly(I:C) markedly augments an inward voltage-sensitive sodium current and inhibits the outward nonselective current. These results suggest human macrophage SCN5A initiates signaling in an innate immune pathway relevant to antiviral host defense. It is postulated that SCN5A is a novel pathogen sensor and that this pathway represents a channel activation-dependent mechanism of transcriptional regulation.