An optimized SpCas9 high-fidelity variant for direct protein delivery

Pedrazzoli E, Bianchi A, Umbach A, Amistadi S, Brusson M, Frati G, Ciciani M, Badowska KA, Arosio D, Miccio A, Cereseto A, Casini A
Source: Mol Ther
Publication Date: (2023)
Issue: 31(7): 2257-2265
Research Area:
Cancer Research/Cell Biology
Immunotherapy / Hematology
Gene Expression
Basic Research
Molecular Biology
Cells used in publication:
Species: human
Tissue Origin: kidney
CD34+ cell, human
Species: human
Tissue Origin: blood
U-2 OS
Species: human
Tissue Origin: bone
4D-Nucleofector® X-Unit

Electroporation of U2OS cells
RNP electroporation experiments in U2OS and HEK293 minigeneexpressing cells were performed using the Lonza 4D-Nucleofector (Lonza). RNP complexes were assembled in a final volume of 5 µL using 120 pmol previously annealed crRNA-tracrRNA (IDT) duplex and 100 pmol purified SpCas9. Complexes were mixed with
2 x10^5 U2OS cells re-suspended in 20 µL SE buffer and electroporated using the CM-104 program. Genomic DNA was extracted 48 h post-electroporation to assess editing efficiency.

For RNP and ssODN delivery in HDR experiments, 120 pmol Cas9 protein and 150 pmol assembled crRNA-tracrRNA (IDT) were incubated at room temperature for 10–20 min, mixed with 120 pmol ssODN (IDT) and 120 pmol Alt-R Ca9 Electroporation Enhancer (IDT), and electroporated in a total of 2 x 10^5 U2OS or HEK293 stably expressing mutated CFTR minigenes in SE buffer (programs CM-104 and CM-130, respectively). ssODN donor sequences are reported in Table S1.

Electroporation of CD34+ cells
sgRNA containing both crRNA and tracrRNA sequences was obtained from Synthego (Table S1). RNP complexes were assembled in a final volume of 2.3–2.8µL using 180 pmol sgRNA and 90 pmol purified SpCas9. CD34+ cells (2 x 10^5 cells/condition) were transfected in the presence of 180 pmol Alt-R Cas9 Electroporation Enhancer (IDT). We used the Lonza 4D-Nucleofector (Lonza), the P3 Primary Cell 4D-Nucleofector X Kit S (Lonza), and the CA137 program. After transfection, cells were kept in the same medium for 6 days. Genomic DNA was extracted 6 days post-electroporation, and the editing was assessed by deep-sequencing (Table S1).

OT evaluation
GUIDE-seq experiments were performed as previously described.22 Briefly, 2 x 10^5 U2OS cells were electroporated with the Lonza 4D-Nucleofector (Lonza) DN-100 program using the Cas9-gRNA RNP and adding 50 pmol dsODNs (crRNAs in Table S1); cells treated using WT SpCas9 and double-strand ODNs (dsODNs) were used
as negative control. 


Electroporation of the Cas9 ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex offers the advantage of preventing off-target cleavages and potential immune responses produced by long-term expression of the nuclease. Nevertheless, the majority of engineered high-fidelity Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) variants are less active than the wild-type enzyme and are not compatible with RNP delivery. Building on our previous studies on evoCas9, we developed a high-fidelity SpCas9 variant suitable for RNP delivery. The editing efficacy and precision of the recombinant high-fidelity Cas9 (rCas9HF), characterized by the K526D substitution, was compared with the R691A mutant (HiFi Cas9), which is currently the only available high-fidelity Cas9 that can be used as an RNP. The comparative analysis was extended to gene substitution experiments where the two high fidelities were used in combination with a DNA donor template, generating different ratios of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) versus homology-directed repair (HDR) for precise editing. The analyses revealed a heterogeneous efficacy and precision indicating different targeting capabilities between the two variants throughout the genome. The development of rCas9HF, characterized by an editing profile diverse from the currently used HiFi Cas9 in RNP electroporation, increases the genome editing solutions for the highest precision and efficient applications.