The composition of NPCs is best characterized using flow cytometry (Figures 5A and 5B). When the composition of non-parenchymal cells from normal and diseased donors was compared (vs. commercially available NPCs from Lonza Bioscience; similar cellular subsets were detected. As expected, the number of myeloid cells was increased in NPCs from the diseased donor, while the number of CD3+ T cells was decreased. Although LSECs were tested for expression of CD31, the percent of LSECs was low in both populations (Figure 5C). It is also recommended to test expression of CD146 in LSEC vs. all endothelial cells as expression of CD146 is associated with LSECs. CD146 and others such as Stabilin2 are good markers for LSECs. CD31 also detects endothelial cells from larger blood vessels, and these are not LSECs. Recent studies have suggested that Scavenger receptor type B1(SR-B1) is specifically expressed by LSECs