Molecular network and chromosomal clustering of genes involved in synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus

Park CS, Gong R, Stuart J, Tang SJ
Source: J Biol Chem
Publication Date: (2006)
Issue: 281(40): 30195-211
Research Area:
Cancer Research/Cell Biology
Cells used in publication:
Neuron, hippo/cortical, rat
Species: rat
Tissue Origin: brain
Neuron, mesencephalic, rat
Species: rat
Tissue Origin: brain
Neuron, hippocampal, rat
Species: rat
Tissue Origin: brain
Nucleofector® I/II/2b
Gene transcription is required for establishing and maintaining the enduring form of long term potentiation (LTP). However, the transcriptome and its associated molecular programs that support LTP are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to identify activity-regulated genes (ARGs) and their molecular pathways that are modulated by LTP induction and to investigate the genomic mechanism for coordinating the transcription of ARGs. We performed time course DNA microarray analyses on the mouse dentate gyrus to determine the temporal genomic expression profiles of ARGs in response to LTP-inducing tetanic stimulation. Our studies uncovered ARGs that regulate various cellular processes, including the structure and function of the synapse, and offered an overview of the dynamic molecular programs that are probably important for LTP. Surprisingly, we found that ARGs are clustered on chromosomes, and ARG clusters are conserved during evolution. Although ARGs in the same cluster have apparently different molecular properties, they are functionally correlated by regulating LTP. In addition, ARGs in specific clusters are co-regulated by the cAMP-response element-binding protein. We propose that chromosomal clustering provides a genomic mechanism for coordinating the transcription of ARGs involved in LTP.