Efficient generation of isogenic primary human myeloid cells using CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoproteins

Hiatt J, Cavero DA, McGregor MJ, Zheng W, Budzik JM, Roth TL, Haas KM, Wu D, Rathore U, Meyer-Franke A, Bouzidi MS, Shifrut E, Lee Y, Kumar VE, Dang EV, Gordon DE, Wojcechowskyj JA, Hultquist JF, Fontaine KA, Pillai SK, Cox JS, Ernst JD, Krogan NJ, Marson A.
Source: Cell Rep
Publication Date: (2021)
Issue: 35(6): 109105
Research Area:
Immunotherapy / Hematology
Cells used in publication:
Monocyte, human
Species: human
Tissue Origin: blood
4D-Nucleofector® 96-well Systems
4D-Nucleofector® X-Unit

Isolated CD14+ monocytes were counted and 0.5-1 x10^6 cells per nucleofection reaction were spun down at 200xg for 8 min. Supernatant was carefully and completely aspirated, and cells were resuspended in 20µL/reaction of room-temperature Lonza nucleofection buffer P2 (Lonza V4XP-2024). The cell suspension was gently mixed with 2.5µL/reaction of appropriate RNP and then pipetted into a 96-well-format nucleofection cuvette for the Lonza 4D X unit or Shuttle unit (Lonza). Except where explicitly stated, cassettes were nucleofected with code DK-100, immediately supplemented with 80µL pre-warmed culture medium, and rested in a dark, 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator for 15-30 minutes. Subsequently cells were moved to a prepared non-treated, flat-bottom culture plate pre-filled with appropriate media for differentiation and subsequent analysis. One nucleofection reaction of 0.5 x 106 cells is sufficient to seed three wells of a 96-well plate or one well of a 48-well plate. 


Genome engineering of primary human cells with CRISPR-Cas9 has revolutionized experimental and therapeutic approaches to cell biology, but human myeloid-lineage cells have remained largely genetically intractable. We present a method for the delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes by nucleofection directly into CD14+ human monocytes purified from peripheral blood, leading to high rates of precise gene knockout. These cells can be efficiently differentiated into monocyte-derived macrophages or dendritic cells. This process yields genetically edited cells that retain transcript and protein markers of myeloid differentiation and phagocytic function. Genetic ablation of the restriction factor SAMHD1 increased HIV-1 infection >50-fold, demonstrating the power of this system for genotype-phenotype interrogation. This fast, flexible, and scalable platform can be used for genetic studies of human myeloid cells in immune signaling, inflammation, cancer immunology, host-pathogen interactions, and beyond, and could facilitate the development of myeloid cellular therapies