Regulation of RKIP binding to the N-region of the Raf-1 kinase

Park S, Rath O, Beach S, Xiang X, Kelly SM, Luo Z, Kolch W, Yeung KC
Source: FEBS Lett
Publication Date: (2006)
Issue: 580(27): 6405-12
Research Area:
Cancer Research/Cell Biology
Cells used in publication:
Species: human
Tissue Origin: breast
Nucleofector® I/II/2b
The Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) binds to Raf-1 interfering with binding of the MEK substrate and potentially also Raf-1 activation. In response to mitogen stimulation RKIP dissociates from Raf-1 and later re-associates. Here, using a combination of mutational approaches, biochemical studies, peptide arrays and plasmon surface resonance (BIAcore), we fine map and characterize a minimal 24 amino acid long RKIP binding domain in the Raf-1 N-region, which consists of constitutive elements at both flanks and a center element that is regulated by phosphorylation and enhances the re-binding of RKIP to Raf-1 in the later phase of mitogen stimulation.