Truncations of amphiphysin I by calpain inhibit vesicle endocytosis during neural hyperexcitation

Wu Y, Liang S, Oda Y, Ohmori I, Nishiki TI, Takei K, Matsui H, Tomizawa K
Source: EMBO J
Publication Date: (2007)
Issue: 26(12): 2981-90
Research Area:
Cells used in publication:
Neuron, hippo/cortical, rat
Species: rat
Tissue Origin: brain
Nucleofector® I/II/2b
Under normal physiological conditions, synaptic vesicle endocytosis is regulated by phosphorylation and Ca(2+)-dependent dephosphorylation of endocytic proteins such as amphiphysin and dynamin. To investigate the regulatory mechanisms that may occur under the conditions of excessive presynaptic Ca(2+) influx observed preceding neural hyperexcitation, we examined hippocampal slices following high-potassium or high-frequency electrical stimulation (HFS). In both cases, three truncated forms of amphiphysin I resulted from cleavage by the protease calpain. In vitro, the binding of truncated amphiphysin I to dynamin I and copolymerization into rings with dynamin I were inhibited, but its interaction with liposomes was not affected. Moreover, overexpression of the truncated form of amphiphysin I inhibited endocytosis of transferrin and synaptic vesicles. Inhibiting calpain prevented HFS-induced depression of presynaptic transmission. Finally, calpain-dependent amphiphysin I cleavage attenuated kainate-induced seizures. These results suggest that calpain-dependent cleavage of amphiphysin I inhibits synaptic vesicle endocytosis during neural hyperexcitation and demonstrate a novel post-translational regulation of endocytosis.