The IGF-I splice variant MGF increases progenitor cells in ALS, dystrophic, and normal muscle.

Ates K, Yang SY, Orrell RW, Sinanan AC, Simons P, Solomon A, Beech S, Goldspink G, Lewis MP.
Source: FEBS Lett
Publication Date: (2007)
Issue: 581(14): 2727-32
Research Area:
Basic Research
Cells used in publication:
Skeletal Muscle Myoblast, (HSMM) human
Species: human
Tissue Origin: skeletal muscle
The effects of muscle splice variants of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) on proliferation and differentiation were studied in human primary muscle cell cultures from healthy subjects as well as from muscular dystrophy and ALS patients. Although the initial numbers of mononucleated progenitor cells expressing desmin were lower in diseased muscle, the E domain peptide of IGF-IEc (MGF) significantly increased the numbers of progenitor cells in healthy and diseased muscle. IGF-I significantly enhances myogenic differentiation whereas MGF E peptide blocks this pathway, resulting in an increased progenitor (stem) cell pool and thus potentially facilitating repair and maintenance of this postmitotic tissue.