The inner loop of tetraspanins CD82 and CD81 mediates interactions with HTLV-1 gag protein

Mazurov D, Heidecker G, Derse D
Source: J Biol Chem
Publication Date: (2007)
Issue: 282(6): 3896-903
Research Area:
Immunotherapy / Hematology
Cells used in publication:
Species: human
Tissue Origin: blood
Nucleofector® I/II/2b
The tetraspanin superfamily proteins play important roles in organizing membrane protein complexes, modulating integrin function, and controlling T cell adhesion. Tetraspanins such as CD82 contain two extracellular loops with its N terminus, C terminus, and inner loop exposed to the cytoplasm. The matrix (MA) domain of human T cell lymphotrophic virus, type 1 (HTLV-1), Gag interacts with the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane and is concentrated at tetraspanin-enriched microdomains. To understand the basis of this association, we generated site-directed mutations in the various domains of CD82 and used coimmunoprecipitation and colocalization approaches to examine interactions with HTLV-1 MA. The large extracellular loop of CD82, which is important for interactions with integrins, was not required for the association with HTLV-1 MA. The cytoplasmic N terminus and C terminus of CD82 were also dispensable for CD82-MA interactions. In contrast, mutations of conserved amino acids in the inner loop of CD82 or of palmitoylated cysteines that flank the inner loop diminished CD82 association with MA. HTLV-1 MA also interacted with the inner loop of CD81. Thus, association of HTLV-1 Gag with tetraspanin-enriched microdomains is mediated by the inner loops of CD81 and CD82.