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TFPIa and TFPIß are expressed at the surface of breast cancer cells and inhibit TF-FVIIa activity.

BACKGROUND: Tissue factor (TF) pathway inhibitor-1 (TFPI) is expressed in several malignant tissues- and cell lines and we recently reported that it possesses anti-tumor effects in breast cancer cells, indicating a biological role of TFPI in cancer....
Authors: Stavik B, Tinholt M, Sletten M, Skretting G, Sandset PM, Iversen N.

Acidosis activation of the proton-sensing GPR4 receptor stimulates vascular endothelial cell inflammatory responses revealed by transcriptome analysis.

Acidic tissue microenvironment commonly exists in inflammatory diseases, tumors, ischemic organs, sickle cell disease, and many other pathological conditions due to hypoxia, glycolytic cell metabolism and deficient blood perfusion. However, the...
Authors: Dong L, Li Z, Leffler NR, Asch AS, Chi JT, Yang LV.
SST Peer Reviewed

Thioredoxin 1 as a subcellular biomarker of redox imbalance in human prostate cancer progression.

We determined protein levels and subcellular distribution of thioredoxin 1 (Trx1) in human prostate tissues using tissue microarrays and analyzed redox changes in Trx1 in the nucleus and cytoplasm in cell culture models with a redox Western blot...
Authors: Shan W, Zhong W, Zhao R, Oberley TD.

Nicotine-mediated induction of E-selectin in aortic endothelial cells requires Src kinase and E2F1 transcriptional activity

Smoking is highly correlated with enhanced likelihood of atherosclerosis by inducing endothelial dysfunction. In endothelial cells, various cell-adhesion molecules including E-selectin, are shown to be upregulated upon exposure to nicotine, the...
Authors: Alamanda V, Singh S, Lawrence NJ, Chellappan SP.

Estradiol inhibits vascular endothelial cells pro-inflammatory activation induced by C-reactive protein

In addition of being an important inflammatory biomarker and a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, much evidence indicates that the C-reactive protein (CRP) contributes to the atherosclerosis development process. This plasmatic protein...
Authors: Cossette É, Cloutier I, Tardif K, DonPierre G, Tanguay JF.

Silencing of DLC1 upregulates PAI-1 expression and reduces migration in normal prostate cells.

Deleted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1) is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) domain containing tumor suppressor that localizes to focal adhesions. In cancer cells, loss of DLC1 is known to enhance cancer cell migration. However, the role of DLC1 in normal...
Authors: Shih YP, Takada Y, Lo SH.

Gene expression profile of coronary artery cells treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reveals off-target effects

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have come under scrutiny because of the gastrointestinal, renal, and cardiovascular toxicity associated with prolonged use of these drugs. The purpose of this study was to identify molecular targets for...
Authors: Palayoor ST, J-Aryankalayil M, Makinde AY, Cerna D, Falduto MT, Magnuson SR, Coleman CN.

Vaspin increases nitric oxide bioavailability through the reduction of asymmetric dimethylarginine in vascular endothelial cells

Vaspin is an adipocytokine recently identified in the visceral adipose tissue of diabetic rats and having anti-diabetic effects. We have recently shown that vaspin has anti-atherogenic effect through Akt-mediated inhibition of endothelial cell...
Authors: Jung CH, Lee WJ, Hwang JY, Lee MJ, Seol SM, Kim YM, Lee YL, Kim HS, Kim MS, Park JY.

Annexin peptide Ac2-26 suppresses TNFa-induced inflammatory responses via inhibition of Rac1-dependent NADPH oxidase in human endothelial cells

The anti-inflammatory peptide annexin-1 binds to formyl peptide receptors (FPR) but little is known about its mechanism of action in the vasculature. Here we investigate the effect of annexin peptide Ac2-26 on NADPH oxidase activity induced by tumour...
Authors: Peshavariya HM, Taylor CJ, Goh C, Liu GS, Jiang F, Chan EC, Dusting GJ.

Integration of basal topographic cues and apical shear stress in vascular endothelial cells

In vivo, vascular endothelial cells (VECs) are anchored to the underlying stroma through a specialization of the extracellular matrix, the basement membrane (BM) which provides a variety of substratum associated biophysical cues that have been shown...
Authors: Morgan JT, Wood JA, Shah NM, Hughbanks ML, Russell P, Barakat AI, Murphy CJ.