The system can accommodate a variety of samples on one plate with different dilutions applied to each sample. The system will apply whatever dilutions are assigned to each sample on the WinKQCL™ Software-generated endotoxin template. Each product (i.e. sample) defined in the WinKQCL™ Software Database is configurable in the automation module software to use a specific liquid or additive. When a new sample in the WinKQCL™ Software Database is detected by the automation software, it is initially assigned a default liquid class. The automation software is also able to handle auxiliary dilutions such as beta glucan blocker (P/N N190) and Tris buffer(P/N S50-642). Auxiliary dilutions are configurable per sample in the automation software module. The order in which the auxiliary dilutions are to be applied also is configurable. In addition, the reagent water itself can be configured as an auxiliary dilution if necessary.