
How to determine if a compound interferes with Toxilight™ Non-Distructive Cytotoxicity BioAssay


#1-2 is to determine if the media contains Adenylate Kinase (AK), the enzyme detected in Toxilight™ Assay

1. Run compound in buffer with ToxiLight™ Reagents.
There should be no light output.

2. Run compound/Media with ToxiLight™ Reagents.
If you get's light output then most likely there is AK present in the media or serum and AK free media/serum should be used. The liklihood of there being ATP in media/serum is extremely low to rare.

#3-4 to determine if a compound interferes with the kit:

Run the ATP control LT27-008 in buffer, not media, and determine if there is less signal when the compound is added this means the compound is probably interfering with the kit.
