REV1 accumulates in DNA damage-induced nuclear foci in human cells and is implicated in mutagenesis by benzo[a]pyrenediolepoxide

Mukhopadhyay S, Clark DR, Watson NB, Zacharias W and McGregor WGx
Source: Nucleic Acids Res
Publication Date: (2004)
Issue: 32(19): 5820-5826
Research Area:
Cancer Research/Cell Biology
Cells used in publication:
Species: human
Tissue Origin: kidney
Nucleofector® I/II/2b
The REV1 gene encodes a Y-family DNA polymerase that has been postulated to have both catalytic and structural functions in translesion replication past UV photoproducts in mammalian cells. To examine if REV1 is implicated in DNA damage tolerance mechanisms after exposure of human cells to a chemical carcinogen, we generated a plasmid expressing REV1 protein fused at its C-terminus with green fluorescent protein (GFP). In transient transfection experiments, virtually all of the transfected cells had a diffuse nuclear pattern in the absence of carcinogen exposure. In contrast, in cells exposed to benzo[a]pyrenediolepoxide, the fusion protein accumulated in a focal pattern in the nucleus in 25% of the cells, and co-localized with PCNA. These data support the idea that REV1 is present at stalled replication forks. We also examined the mutagenic response at the HPRT locus of human cells that had greatly reduced levels of REV1 mRNA due to the stable expression of gene-specific ribozymes, and compared them to wild-type cells. The mutant frequency was greatly reduced in the ribozyme-expressing cells. These data indicate that REV1 is implicated in the mutagenic DNA damage tolerance response to BPDE and support the development of strategies to target this protein to prevent such mutations.