Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Regulates the Transformed Phenotype of BT-20 Human Mammary Cancer Cells

Dalmizrak O, Wu A, Chen J, Sun H, Utama FE, Zambelli D, Tran TH, Rui H, Baserga R
Source: Cancer Res
Publication Date: (2007)
Issue: 67(5): 2124-30
Research Area:
Cancer Research/Cell Biology
Cells used in publication:
Species: human
Tissue Origin: breast
Nucleofector® I/II/2b
Although originating from a human breast cancer, BT-20 cells do not form colonies in soft agar. BT-20 cells do not express insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), which is known to promote both normal and abnormal growth and to inhibit differentiation. Stable expression of IRS-1 confers to BT-20 cells the ability to form colonies in soft agar. BT-20 cells form tumors in xenografts in mice, but the size of tumors is twice as large when the cells express IRS-1. The increased transformed phenotype is characterized by occupancy of the rDNA and cyclin D1 promoters by IRS-1 and the activation of the cyclin D1, c-myc, and rDNA promoters. In addition, the retinoblastoma protein, which is detectable in the rDNA promoter of quiescent BT-20/IRS-1 cells, is replaced by IRS-1 after insulin-like growth factor-I stimulation. Our results indicate that in BT-20 human mammary cancer cells, expression of IRS-1 activates promoters involved in cell growth and cell proliferation, resulting in a more transformed phenotype. Targeting of IRS-1 could be effective in inhibiting the proliferation of mammary cancer cells.