Rab25 associates with alpha5beta1 integrin to promote invasive migration in 3D microenvironments

Caswell PT, Spence HJ, Parsons M, White DP, Clark K, Cheng KW, Mills GB, Humphries MJ, Messent AJ, Anderson KI, McCaffrey MW, Ozanne BW, Norman JC
Source: Dev Cell
Publication Date: (2007)
Issue: 13(4): 496-510
Research Area:
Cancer Research/Cell Biology
Cells used in publication:
Species: human
Tissue Origin: ovarian
Nucleofector® I/II/2b
Here, we report a direct interaction between the beta1 integrin cytoplasmic tail and Rab25, a GTPase that has been linked to tumor aggressiveness and metastasis. Rab25 promotes a mode of migration on 3D matrices that is characterized by the extension of long pseudopodia, and the association of the GTPase with alpha5beta1 promotes localization of vesicles that deliver integrin to the plasma membrane at pseudopodial tips as well as the retention of a pool of cycling alpha5beta1 at the cell front. Furthermore, Rab25-driven tumor-cell invasion into a 3D extracellular matrix environment is strongly dependent on ligation of fibronectin by alpha5beta1 integrin and the capacity of Rab25 to interact with beta1 integrin. These data indicate that Rab25 contributes to tumor progression by directing the localization of integrin-recycling vesicles and thereby enhancing the ability of tumor cells to invade the extracellular matrix.